Tracking in Shopify
If you want to use the revenue tracking goal (and others) within a Shopify project, you can use the following code.
Just use it in Shopify as a Customer event
More info from Shopify's side here:
On this page
How to set it up
Please follow the following steps:
- Go to
Settings > Customer Pixels
- Click
Add Custom Pixel
> Name it "ABlyft Tracking
" (for example) - Edit to
Project ID
within the code (important!) - Edit the
on each goal if they differ from the API names in the platform - Add pixel > Save > Connect it
Code to copy
1 - Edit the Project ID
2 - (and, if necessary also change the API/eventNames of the goals below)
const projectId = 123456789; //Use your project id!
Use it this way:
Settings > Customer Pixels > Click "Add Custom Pixel" > Name it "ABlyft Tracking" > Add pixel > Save > Connect it
analytics.subscribe("checkout_completed", async (event) => {
const d = document;
const w = window;
w.ablyftAllowIframe = true;
let j = d.createElement("script");
j.async = true;
j.src = `${projectId}.js`;
j.onload = async () => {
const url = (event).context.window.location.href;
const productsCount =, currentValue) => currentValue.quantity + accumulator, 0)
const allEvents = [
eventType: "revenue",
eventName: "revenue",
eventType: "custom",
eventName: "products-count", //use your own api name here
eventValue: productsCount
eventType: "custom",
eventName: "purchase", //use your own api name here
let userData = await browser.cookie.get("ablyft_uvs");
userData = await browser.localStorage.getItem("ablyft_uvs");
const user = JSON.parse(userData);
let visitor_type = "new";
if (user && user.sessions && user.sessions > 1) {
visitor_type = "returning";
const attributes = {
device_type: w.ablyft.get("deviceType"),
url: url,
user_agent: w.navigator.userAgent
let experimentsBucketData = await browser.cookie.get("ablyft_exps")
experimentsBucketData = await browser.localStorage.getItem("ablyft_exps");
console.log("ABlyft - Empty user bucketing - aborting");
const experimentsBucket = JSON.parse(experimentsBucketData);
const userObject = {
const experimentIds = Object.keys(experimentsBucket);
let variationIds = [];
for (let i = 0; i < experimentIds.length; i++) { variationIds.push(experimentsBucket[experimentIds[i]]); }
function createLockId() {
const possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
let text = "";
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length)); }
return text;
const goals = w.ablyft.get("goals");
const postObj = {
projectId: projectId,
source: "shopify-webpixel",
user: userObject,
events: allEvents.filter(event => goals.find(goal => goal.api_name === event.eventName)).map(event => {
const goalObject = goals.find(goal => goal.api_name === event.eventName);
return {
"type": event.eventType,
"value": event.eventValue,
"timestamp": Math.floor( / 1000),
"locked": Math.floor( / 1000),
"lockId": createLockId(),
"goal": {
"variations": variationIds
await fetch("", {
method: "POST",
mode: "no-cors",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify(postObj),