API Access

Retrieve Results of Experiments Programmatically

It is possible to retrieve the results of experiments programmatically.
API endpoints are available for this, which are described in more detail here..

On this page

Get an API token

The "API" tab is available in your user settings. From this dashboard you may generate and revoke API tokens.
Please note that a token is valid for all the teams (accounts) to which you also have web access.



To authorise yourself at the end point, just add as a query string your personal token as a part of the url:

Please note There is a rate limit of 60 requests per minute.
To avoid running into this limit, you can either wait a second after each request or wait a minute after 60 requests.


List of experiments

Example Output (only most relevant data fields shown here)
Each item is an experiment
    "id" : 12345678,
    "status" : "running",
    "name" : "Example Experiment Name"

Experiment results

Example Output (only most relevant data fields shown here)
Each item is a goal with it's variationStatistics in the context of this experiment's results.
    "name" : "Number of Products in Cart",
    "api_name" : "products-in-cart",

    "variationStatistics" : {
      "23248305" : {
        "participants" : 245594,
        "conversions" : 12030,
        "totalValue" : 96068,
        "valuePerParticipant" : 0.391,
        "isConfident" : false,
        "confidence" : 0.455,
        "duration" : {
          "daysLeft" : 29.459